Friday, April 22, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm home... =)

Am back from a trip to Bangkok... It was a relaxing trip... with lots of shopping, numerous foot massages and a perfect manicure and pedicure... feeling refreshed...

Had dinner with my parents and my mum asked me how was my trip... I told her it was ok... just like usual... she was quiet for awhile... then she said... next time don't go for so long...

I was surprised... surely 5 days wasn't that long... I thought... But before I said anything... my dad said... ya lor... you go for 5 days, we can't sleep for 4 nights leh... to hear this from dad... is kind of weird... cause my dad is a man of few words... he rarely verbalize his emotions... so it got me thinking... what has changed from my previous trips? Me gone for a longer period? Bangkok more dangerous? My parents are more expressive in showing their love now? Or perhaps... I won't be staying with them soon and they want to spend as much time as possible with me? Hmm... nvm... anyhow... it feels heart-warming to be missed... =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It will stop raining?

Nope, not referring to the weather...

Mum being away... not helping...
Drowning in work... very helpful...

Driving to town during weekends... not helping...
Retail therapy in town... very helpful...

All my girlfriends... definitely helpful...

I'm usually good at forgetting petty squabbles...
But somehow... some words just keep replaying in my head...

How should I describe it? Not angry, not upset, not pissed... hurt? maybe...

Maybe shaken? I know it may not seem a big deal to some... but to me... being on different pages is fatal...

Just move on? Easier said than done... really...

Perhaps a time-out is good...