Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another pretty gown...

Pretty Bridal Heels?

Insomnia #2

Here I am... sitting in front of the computer screen once again at 330am in the morning...

A case of drug misuse? I suspect...

3 hours ago... I was feeling feverish... went to the kitchen looking for remedy... I found panadol cold relief, and next to it were mum's bottles of vitamin b and c... I must be lacking those ya? I thought... and so I popped 2 of everything with a glass of water and went to bed...

And this is what happens after mixing all the pills? Hmm... I guess I learnt it the hard way... :S

Or maybe there are too many things on my mind? I have noticed a pattern... whenever I have too much to think=overheating of brain=fever... does this happen to everyone too?

Thursday, March 17, 2011