Since the wedding, I have been feeling slightly homesick...
I have never stayed away from home more than the duration of a holiday trip, never away from the comforts of home and most of all, never really away from my family... My mum...
But of course, being married also means you have to move... don't get me wrong... I love staying with my hubby in our new place... and even our short stint with the in-laws... but you know... the parents' place will always stay special in your heart... I would say I have adapted well... just the occasional feeling of "Mummy! I need you!"... which is usually soothed with a phonecall.
But these days, when I feel sick and needy... I feel really homesick...
I missed the times when mum takes care of me when I'm sick... She will wake up early, make sure my favourite breakfast is on the table when I wake up... because when eating is a chore, having something you actually feel like eating really helps... And of course, the usual bring you water for medicine, some herbal tea, porridge, wet towel for the forehead, waking up in the middle of the night to take your temperature... and sleeping the day away always cures everything. It's not that I'm not getting all these things now... I guess a mum's touch is the difference? Mums are the best medicine when you are sick?
Oh well... I guess you only start to appreciate something when you don't have it anymore... :(